November 30, 2021

COAST PBT Keycaps (Xmas Limited)

COAST Xmas Limited is our first holiday special keycaps. The design process of this set has been a very exciting journey for us, but also extremely challenging. We don’t just want to change the color of the keycaps to cater to the festive mood, we want this set of keycaps to be more fun.

Individualize Your Keyboard with Some Mix and Match

The most significant feature of this set is the 30 light green supplementary keycaps that we provided in addition to the basic dark green keycaps. This means everyone can freely match the two shades of green to create their own unique NuPhy Air75.

A Festive Look to Bring You Joy and Happiness

In addition, we have changed the position of the letters by moving them from the center to the upper left corner of the keycaps and other characters from the center to the left aligned. We also added small icons for tab, caps lock, shift, and enter, and changed the color of the multimedia icons to gold, giving the entire set a more exquisite look.

More Adventures Await

COAST are the world’s thinnest PBT keycaps, designed by NuPhy. The larger contact area and spherical surface can provide you with the most excellent typing experience. Xmas Limited is only the beginning. We will keep innovating and launch more interesting COAST profile keycaps in the future.